Razor Guide FavIcons v3.0
Background & Goal
This is based on information from sources like
Goal: Create a simple command for the default use case, and provide more complex options for advanced stuff.
Basic Default Use Case
The default use case should
Take just 1 PNG image - to keep it simple. Ideally it could also contain placeholders like {h} & {w} or similar, which if provided would add the size properties to the url, for scenarios where you have an image resizer. This would allow you to do both:
- "/portals/0/favicon.png"
- "/portals/0/favicon.png?h={h}&w={w}" for ImageResizer.net
- "/portals/0/favicon.png?height={h}&width={w}" for Thorstons image resizer
- "/portals/0/favicons/icon-{h}x{w}.png" for pre-resized images
Generate the important headers, but not bloat the header with all possible sizes and variations. These would be:
favicon for IE 11 - rel="shortcut icon", as png (supported in IE 11)
This will cover any IE11 favicon when an html-page is shown. Note that when the browser shows a pdf/image only, it doesn't have html to tell it about favicons, so that will still pick up favicon.ico in the root.general icon - rel="icon", as png, ideally at least 250x250 this is for the general case, but actually I'm not even sure what case that is...
touch-icons for mobile devices rel="apple-touch-icon" for 196x196
this supposedly works for iOS and Android.
Specifically, we would NOT support the following for now
- IE 6-10, as these are fully deprecated
- Mac Desktop icons
- Windows 10 desktop icons
- we won't implement rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" as that's only for ios 6 and below
So basically it is a command like:
Advanced Use Cases
Advanced use cases should allow the following customizations, which limits or extends the icons added.
- specific list of sizes
- specific list of known types (icon, shortcut icon, apple-touch...)
Not Supported Use Cases
Basically anybody can always add more headers to the page using HtmlPage.AddHeader(...)
, so it's not necessary to support every exotic variation. This command should make the 80% use cases super easy (just mention 1 file name) and the remaining 15% easy (with addition of parameters), but exotic stuff should not be covered until it's a common standard. These are things probably not supported in the basic API
- meta tag for msapplication-TileColor and msapplication-TileImage
- rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" as this is for older iOS and iOS devices usually update very often - see also https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/touch-icons